Sunday, November 26, 2017

Almost Teenagers

After all these years, Sandy is getting friendlier.

Sandy, our oldest sheep, will be thirteen this spring.  Our oldest son is just a couple of weeks younger.


Sandy was looking rough at the towards the end of the summer, but with some Nutri-Drench (vitamins for sheep) and a bit of grain all to herself, she is looking a lot better.

Sandy (again)

Yeti also was receiving specialized treatment for a while.  He had a concussion from fighting with the other boy sheep--even though Yeti is twice as big as some of them!  With a little medicine and some TLC, Yeti is back to acting like himself.


Barack O'Llama won't wear hats, but Molly will (at least for a little while).  Here she is wearing a hat knit from Hazel's fleece.

Molly, wearing a bit of Hazel

Molly was on the lookout for snacks...

Molly looking for snacks

She found some.  Tricot was one of the few ewes who could figure out how to eat corn from the cob. 

Tricot enjoying some corn.