Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Big Boys

They don't make it on the blog much, as none of them-- with the exception of Cormorant-- cooperate when it's time to take pictures.  Most of them just ignore me and go on with whatever they are doing.

Almond, Hawk, & Cormorant


Cormorant (again)

Cormorant (once again)

Cormorant with Budgie and Hawk



Oregano and Fog

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Fair Week Recap

Champagne, Mocha, and Mojito went to the fair this week.

Champagne waits for her turn to be groomed.

Champagne was a lot smaller than the other champion ewes!

Mojito calmly waits to go into the ring (and that's where the calmness ended).

Champagne again.

Mojito has a snack.


Mojito again.
Mojito is too closely related to our ewes to stay here.  He, along with a few of our other rams, are listed for sale on our sale page