My younger son is in charge of lambing this year--everything from choosing the ewes to breed to being the person who goes to the barn in the middle of the night.
Proud mom Gingerale |
Very early Saturday morning, he headed out to the barn because he heard baaing on the baby/sheep monitor. Gingerale had lambed. Like last time (two whole years ago!), she delivered a single ram lamb. This time around, he is mostly brown with white spots on his head. It's likely he'll look just like his mom (except for the whole being and boy and having horns thing).
Radagast the (mostly) Brown |
We're calling him Radagast, after a wizard from The Lord of the Rings named Radagast the Brown.
Mist is due today. Of course, she won't lamb today because they almost never lamb on their due dates. (Or maybe she will because I just said she won't?)
There's a lamb so Mist thinks she's done already... |