It was a beautiful day yesterday. The chicks had their first big day (well, hour or so) out. It's always a lot of fun to see how chicks react to being outside for the first time. This batch was a little freaked out, but they are a tad on the old side for their first outing.
With Easter Eggers, you never know what the grown up chickens will look like. Our Easter Eggers are a diverse bunch (yay!). When they are not under the heat lamps, we can tell what colors they are.
She's blue! |
We're pretty certain that we have a rooster. He's a tiny thing, but he has a big comb and a bit of a wattle. More than that, he really acts like a rooster. He stands up straighter than the rest of the chicks and puffing his wee little chest out. He spent most of his time outside strutting around the girls and making sure everyone looked safe.
Colonel Brandon, in the middle, is on the lookout for danger. |
They met the sheep.
Theresa is looking for some new friends. |
A few decided to squeeze out of the portable fence and meet all of the sheep.
Pearl is one brave little chick. |
Sandy, are you my mother? |
Calico is not sure about these birds. |
While in the trough, Charlene pecks hands and rushes at whomever is feeding or watering her. We were afraid that she was aggressive, but it turns out she is just friendly.
Charlene climbing up... |
...settling in for a nap. |
Where was Barack O'Llama during all of this? Standing down by the big chickens, looking tough.
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