Sunday, May 11, 2014

What A Day... misplace my camera.

I had it yesterday, when we vaccinated, hoof trimmed, and photographed all of this year's lambs.  (Zircon had a bit of a bonus: castration.)  I did get to feel and examine even the fastest running fleeces, but the pictures are terrible and Scott and I (and probably Zircon, too) have bruises. 

Galena's mug shoot.  Her fleece is awesome!

Most of the big girls had their hooves trimmed, too.  I came inside, uploaded my pictures, and the camera disappeared.  

Zircon getting his hooves trimmed like a big boy.

Today, we finished up a new fence in the back field.  Now we can put the ewes in the back pasture and not have to worry about the ram.  (They are seasonal breeders, meaning the ewes only come into estrus in the late fall, but I am paranoid all year round.)   The ewes were thrilled when we opened the gate to let them into the back pasture, so thrilled that quite a few of them forgot their lambs (Sandy, Calico, and Elvira did not--and they all have twins). 

Olivine, because I have no coordinating pictures.

Scott, the boys, and I tried to round the lambs up.  We were somewhat successful.  Czadas came back to the front field to retrieve one of her twins and she was nice enough to gather up the rest of the lambs while she was at it. 

Snowball, however, took the opportunity to come to the front field and sniff all of Barack O'Llama's belongings.  I herded him to the back, and he decided he would herd some ewes and lambs. 

The very, very wiggly Marble.

Everyone seems okay now, though.  Gunpowder and friends have not knocked down the new fence; Snowball and Barack O'Llama are getting along just fine (although that might change the first time we try to feed them while they are in the same field!).

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