Saturday, January 23, 2016

Look Before You Leap

We opened the barn doors today to this:

 The pregnant ewes discussed it among themselves and decided not to go out. (We figured they wouldn't.  The barn doors were opened while we were working in the barn so that they could get some fresh air.)

 I said, "Hmm, maybe we shouldn't open the boys' door because they are less intelligent."  I was thinking they'd sniff the snow, perhaps go about ankle deep. (Except Yeti.  He really, really hates snow.)

Bucky immediately leaped into the snow.  He was about chest to chin deep, but he kept running.  Scott went out into the pasture to catch him, and he's back in with the rest of the boys now. 

Timmy was more sensible and ate some snow indoors.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Just Pictures


Henrietta, in a "big girl" coat (and eating minerals)

The pregnant ewes hope I have peanuts.

Theresa is ready to run.
