Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How Could I Forget About Sequoia?

Sequoia lambed early Friday morning (2:45 to be precise), and until now I've completely forgotten to write a blog post for her. Maybe it's because being half asleep and terrible light in the barn meant that I only took one picture at the time.  Maybe it's because it's been generally crazy here.

Sequoia gave birth to a single ram lamb we've named Rollo.   Rollo is a big gorgeous guy.  He's solid dark brown like his mom, and it seems that his fleece is going to be as nice as hers, too. 


More Rollo

Rollo seems to be embarrassed by his mom.

The one and only middle-of-the-night pic.

Vanilla is the only ewe waiting to lamb.  It could be a long wait--even though she looks pretty enormous!


Monday, April 20, 2020

Opal's Amazing Feat (with help from Mist)

Opal did something pretty amazing Saturday.  Not only did she have two babies, but she (with help from Mist) welcomed a grand-baby as well.

We watched Opal for awhile on the monitor Saturday.  When I decided to head to the barn, there were no lambs...when I arrived at the barn, she had delivered two lambs.

 Opal's first lamb is Peppermint Patty, a solid brown ewe.  The second twin is Junior Mint, a ram lamb.  He is white and brown spotted, and as his name suggests, looks quite a lot like his father, Cisco.

Mist lambed later in the day.  Her lamb is Milky Way, a single moorit katmoget ewe.  She has a few spots as well.  When Milky Way grows up, she'll look a lot like her grandma Opal.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sky & Licorice

Very, very early Friday morning, we heard baaing over the monitor.  We bundled up and headed out to the barn.  Sky was laboring and shortly thereafter delivered a solid black ewe lamb.  We've named her Licorice.

Shortly after returning to bed, we heard even more baaing over the monitor.  This time we also heard distinctive lamb baas.  Licorice had escaped her jug and was searching for her mom in drop pen (and of course her mother was in the jug the entire time).

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Acacia's Not-So-Big Surprise

Acacia was not the first ewe due, but she was the first to lamb.  Acacia's previous lambs have all been twin ewes (Dove & Swan, Evening & Dusk), so this year I kept waiting for lamb number two to arrive....but she never did. 

Acacia delivered a single ewe lamb.  She looks solid brown with the exception of a couple of white spots on her head.   We've named her Tootsie Pop, but we plan to call her Tootsie.