Saturday, December 24, 2016

Annual Christmas Picture Outtakes

Molly won't wear a Santa hat.

Cinnamon won't hold still.

Barack O'Llama over-participates.

Humans get distracted, too.

Molly thinks she's found a feathery peanut.

Marshmallow participated (as always), but now she's done.

Barack O'Llama is interested in the Santa hat, but will not wear it.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Boys

Today, it's the boys' turn.

Cypress spends most of the day pacing the fence line between him and the forbidden ewes.


Yeti proudly models his giant, bright orange coat.


Almond's horns are freshly trimmed (although "sawed off" is a more accurate description of the process).


Coriander is working on growing a gorgeous fleece.


 Parsley and Tarragon equate me with food. For now, this is cute.  When they get older, it likely will be annoying.

The lambs: Parsley and Tarragon
