Saturday, October 10, 2015

We've Moved!

We've moved from Tennessee to Pennsylvania.  For the most part, everyone is settling in nicely...


...although the llamas don't want to be separated from each other just yet.

Snowball and Barack O'Llama

More changes are coming.  Sheep coats are going on as soon as possible. Mimosa (who is quite obviously biting the hand that feeds her!) and Pawlonia will be wearing coats for the first time.

Mimosa and Pawlonia

Breeding season is right around the corner.  (Timmy can't wait. He's been eyeing the ladies through the fence, and he seems to approve.)

Almond and Timmy

Henrietta is taking the year off from breeding.  I know, I always say that....

Henrietta & some chickens

It will be Molly (and Marble, Opal, and Beryl)'s first year, and we're excited to see their lambs. 



  1. Wow! I'm kind of bummed that you moved! I always liked the idea that Tiffany, Tricot, and Czadas were in the same state. :) Oh well, I'm guessing they will love the Pennsylvania climate. Do you have any fleece or roving from these girls to sell?? Many blessings on your new place! Pam

    1. I think they are liking the cooler climate. Tiffany sproings down the hill in the mornings, which is hilarious to see a big girl like her do! I have roving from Tricot as well as this year's fleece from her. I have Tiffany's and Czadas' fleeces from this year as well. I know Tiffany's is in two big pieces (she was quite round on shearing day!).
