Sunday, May 15, 2016

(Not Very Serious) Accidents

Yesterday morning, we found one of the new chicks floating in the sheep water.

 (Have I even mentioned the new chicks?  A brief tangent from the tale... We brought six day old chicks home right before lambing began.  There are two each Easter Eggers, Barred Rocks, and Buff Orpingtons.  They are named Rose, Martha, Donna, Clara, Amelia, and River (for those of you who don't know, those are characters from Doctor Who).  They moved to the barn last weekend, where they have their own creep pen--a place they can run into but the other animals--even chickens--cannot.)

The nearly-drowned chick (Donna) was still alive, but soaking wet and not moving.  It took us a few minutes to come up with a plan, and I ended up wearing her in one of the slings in which I used to carry the boys when they were babies.  No pictures--I was still wearing my Cookie Monster PJ pants (it's hard to shower with a chicken strapped to you).

After a while in the sling, she started to show more signs of life.  We put her under the heat lamp (it's a good thing we hadn't gotten around to putting it away yet!), and within about another hour, she was ready to go back to the barn.  Now she looks like this:

Rose and Donna (the Barred Rock)

She's the Barred Rock.  Barred Rocks are quite sturdy chickens.  Floppy is still going strong(ish), too.  (And neither of the chicks laid the egg in the picture.  For some reason, they decided to hang out on a nest.)

Lavender had an accident, too.  Every year one of the lambs (or sometimes even one of the older ones) rips out an ear tag.  Because they are registered, they have to be tagged as soon as they are out of the lambing jug.   It's why we've been tagging both ears: it's unpleasant to ear tag a lamb, but really, really, really not fun to ear tag a fully grown sheep. 

Lavender usually sticks close to mom Cashew....

....and sometimes she brings some friends along.

Lavender, minus one ear tag.

I have a lot of other pictures to share, but I feel like I've been going on and on....  I'll have more lamb pictures up in a few days!

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