Monday, October 10, 2016

The Neverending Busy Season

Busy season hasn't stopped here. 

Having lambs in July hasn't made things easy.  Hazel's lambs, Parsley and Tarragon, did great at first.  As summer (and the drought) progressed, they started to struggle.  They are doing well now, but it has taken a lot of work.  They've been grazing the backyard from time to time and getting extra food and special treatment. 

I can't find a recent picture of the lambs, so here's Tiffany.

Meanwhile, Snowball became ill.  At first it just seemed like some easily treatable parasites (a very routine issue in late summer!).  When he started to lose weight quickly, we called the vet.  She ran a lot of tests and treated him for a few things while we waited for test results.  Snowball passed away the following evening.  We knew it would be coming sometime--he was at least twenty, which is at the upper age range of llamas--but we didn't expect it so soon.

My favorite picture of Snowball.

 We've been coating the sheep continually (well, it seems that way!).  More on that later...

We decided to have some of the sheep shorn in the fall this year.  We chose the Icelandic crosses, the longer-fleeced Shetlands, and a few who trashed their fleeces during the summer.  They all should have good fleeces in the spring...unless they destroy them. (No pictures of the actual shearing.  My photographers were easily distracted.)

Beryl, with Cypress, destroyed her summer fleece.

A few of the smaller ewes--like Mimosa and Myrtle--were too small after shearing to fit into any of the sheep coats we have.  I decided to make rather than order more.  The first batch pretty much disintegrated because the fabric was not tough enough.  We put the first of the second batch on Myrtle this afternoon, and hopefully, the tougher fabric will make a difference in their longevity.  

Myrtle is speedy, despite the leg she broke as a lamb.

You know you're fabulous when your ear tag and coat match!

This weekend, we put Cypress in with his ewes.  (Oregano will go in with his in about a month.)  So far, so good. 


Cypress with some ladies...but not his!

The only crayon mark so far is on Mimosa's face.  Hmm.

Henrietta and a couple of her friends will be getting sheared at the Fulton Fall Folk Festival this year.   I'll put more information on the Sleepy Acres Facebook page later in the week.

Shh, don't tell Henrietta about this weekend!

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