Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Czadas' Spring Lambs

It might be officially spring, but it looks like this:

Lambing hasn't stopped despite the weather.  It has slowed down, though.  There are a lot of overdue ewes in the barn.  If they are waiting for sunny days and warm temperatures, I am afraid they are out of luck.

Around dinnertime last night, I saw Czadas pushing, already with a lamb on the way out.  I was surprised.  Despite her due date, Czadas didn't look due to me.  I assumed she didn't get bred when she was marked but on her following cycle.  I was wrong!

By the time I trudged through the snow, Czadas's lamb was born.  After the lamb was born, she kept digging.  Usually, that means another lamb is on the way.  I thought there was no way-- Czadas's belly was relatively small and her lamb relatively large--but once again I was wrong. 

Czadas's first lamb is a solid black ewe.  Because yesterday was the Spring Equinox, we named her Equinox.   Her second lamb is another ewe, but she is white.  She has a few spots, but it is likely they will fade.  We named her Solstice. 

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