Thursday, May 14, 2020

Speedy Little Sheep

I haven't shared many lamb pictures recently.  I haven't been taking my camera to the barn--just my phone.  Under normal circumstances, my phone does a decent job of taking pictures--except lamb pictures.  They just move too fast!  I remembered my camera this morning, and the result was slightly better.

Junior Mint is the first one out of the barn.

All the brown lambs.

Milky Way starts her morning with a big stretch.

Peppermint Patty looks up from her snack.
Licorice is the star of this bad pic example.

(And if you're wondering where Vanilla's lamb(s) are, we're still waiting. She's due tomorrow.  That and her (enormous) appearance means we shouldn't have too long to wait.)

1 comment:

  1. Your lamb photos make me smile. Thank you for posting. I need to just drive by and stop and watch them for a "mental boost".
