Usually, my posts are filled with Peanut, Almond, and Macadamia. They frolic in front of the camera, practically begging to have their pictures taken. (Peanut often gets a little
too close to the camera.) Pistachio, on the other hand, is the shyest sheep in the flock. She is usually as far as she can get from any people. A rare sighting:
Pistachio, sheep of mystery |
When I began this blog post, I thought I had a picture of Cashew. Cashew, unlike Pistachio, gets close to people sometimes...But usually when she does, she takes off in the other direction as fast as she can go. However, quite a few of my pictures I thought I had are very blurry. Peanut was licking the camera lens yet again. Acorn, unlike her twin Cashew, is starting to
attack people get a bit friendlier.
Acorn |
Pecan used to eat peanuts from my hand, and suddenly, he's stopped. When we were in the pasture this morning, he ran to Scott. Scott shelled the peanut for him and he gobbled it up. One mystery solved: Pecan is spoiled!
Pecan |
There's been an intruder in the creep feeder (a feeder that only the lambs can get into, although it's getting to be a tight fit for Pecan and Peanut). Almond tried to remove the chicken via chewing on its tail; he apparently doesn't realize that his horns might be useful in this situation. Acorn, however, knew exactly what to do.
She's supposed to be in the other pasture. |
Acorn: the only thing the white chickens fear. |
Pansy would like me to mention that not all chickens are badly behaved. (And she does not know who ate all the strawberries.)
Pansy, looking quite innocent |
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