Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Guess who's been taking her camera to the pasture?

Me!  I've been remiss most of the summer, so I'm trying to make up for it now. 

Yeti is shocked.  He vaguely remembers seeing the camera when he was a wee little lamb.

"Be sure you capture my spotty ears!" - Yeti

Marble is shocked, too....But perhaps that's because she just voluntarily approached a human.

Hazel's progeny = shy sheep

Marble likely will grow out of her shyness.  Filly, Hazel's 2013 lamb, is quite friendly these days.

Filly, not my tiny shy girl any longer.

Chert makes sure I get a picture of his awesomeness.

"It's a shame they can't feel my fleece." - Chert
Big sister Cashew thinks I might have peanuts in addition to my camera...

"Do I smell peanuts?  Could it be?" -Cashew
 ...and she's right.

Acorn stretches for a peanut.

Elvira realizes her lambs are not with her.  (A rare occurrence! Malachite usually stays close by.)

Elvira, with other sheep's lambs.

"Yes, I did knock this tree down entirely by myself."  Dear Pistachio, it is a bush, and it was already dead.

Don't worry: She had our permission.

"I know nothing about any trees or bushes!"  -Macadamia.

"It wasn't me!" - Macadamia

 I can't help but wondering what Tricot is thinking, and why it's so important that she didn't even finish her grass.  Maybe she saw Scott handing out peanuts?

Tricot: Practicing sheep meditation? Contemplating peanuts?

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