Sunday, March 13, 2016

Guest Photographer: Shearing Day

I handed over the photographing duties to this guy yesterday.

He did have a difficult task as the light was streaming into the barn--good for shearing, bad for pictures.  Still, I don't think that's why I have more pictures of the rooster than of sheep....

Also tricky: getting the ewes where they needed to go.  They were a little suspicious this year.  The white ewes seemed especially concerned.   Did they guess they were first?

They were right.  Light colored pregnant ewes were first, and that's about where my photographer got distracted.  There were people to talk to!  Chickens to chase!  Fences to climb!

He did get a few more pictures:

The chickens enjoying some watermelon.  It was a treat we gave them to keep them out of the barn.  It worked pretty well.  Not all of them stayed out of the barn completely, but they were less obnoxious than in years past.  (The llamas were also well behaved.  They both haltered easily and enjoyed some alone time in the pasture while their charges were in the barn.)

Theresa, Elsie,  Marble, and Peanut waiting for their darker friends.  The fleeces look good, and so do the pregnant bellies.  (And remember how I was saying Elsie doesn't look as big this year?  I was wrong!  Her sheep coat must have been extra slimming!)

 Pistachio, fresh from shearing.  She looks gorgeous, as always.

Tricot wanted to come back in the barn, but she was a little nervous. pictures of the boys or the ewe lambs, but I'll fix that as soon as I can.

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