Saturday, April 9, 2016

Busy, busy: Tricot, Molly, Opal, Marble, and Theresa

It has been crazy around here!  My camera is broken, and has been all week, so forgive the terrible pictures. 

Tricot: Finally, a girl!

Tricot & Chamomile

I watched the pregnant ewes in the drop pen very carefully Monday morning.  I knew I had to run an errand, and I wanted to make sure I wasn't leaving just as someone was lambing.  When I returned home, I heard an obvious commotion from the barn.  I found Tricot with a little white lamb (little for Tricot, that is!) and getting ready to push out another.  Sadly, the second lamb was stillborn.
Tricot and her little lamb went into a jug where she could concentrate on getting her living lamb clean, up, and nursing.  I was concerned about the lamb at first, but she is doing great.  Tricot, however, has an infection and is on antibiotics (but seems to be making a speedy recovery.)
Tricot's lamb is a GIRL!  She's white with a couple of very light spots that will probably fade.  We've named her Chamomile, but she's a lot wilder than her name suggests.

Molly: Joining the loud crowd

Multi-talented llama performs midwife dutires

Molly & Oregano
I went to the barn Wednesday morning and found Molly in labor.  I'm not sure how I didn't hear her before I got there--she was one of the loudest I've heard yet!  She had a lot of "help" because it was cold and I didn't want to open the barn doors until she had her baby dried off.
Molly had a normal labor (thank goodness!), and she delivered a single white ram. We've named him Oregano.  He's already nearly as friendly as his momma.

Opal: One crazy mother

Bergamot...He'll be a surprise when I get a good pic!
 I noticed that Opal was in labor a little before lunchtime yesterday (Thursday).  I poked around in the house, figuring that like most first time mothers, it would take her awhile to lamb.  Nope--when I went to the barn, the lamb was out...and blocking the gate to the drop pen.
After I (eventually) made it into the drop pen, Opal alternatively licked me and rammed me.  I moved the pair into their jug, and as Opal continued to ram me, I exited as soon as possible.  Although scary, it's probably a sign that she's going to be a good mother.
Opal had a single ram lamb.  He's katmoget like his momma, although I can't tell yet whether his base color is brown or black.  His name is Bergamot, courtesy of my oldest son.  He argued that he has naming privileges this close to his birthday.  I agreed, and then....

Marble: Not like her mother

Marble & Pepper

Licking baby clean
 Marble's mom, Hazel, always lambs at midnight on her due date and she's always so speedy that I never see a thing--just Hazel with some babies. 
At dinnertime (still on Thursday), I noticed that Marble was in labor.  I hurried, as I thought she'd be like Opal and pop out her lamb quickly.  Oh, how I was wrong...  But although I was wrong, it was a completely normal birth.
Marble's lamb is yet another single ram lamb.  He's katmoget with a few extra spots on his face.  He's going to be some shade of gray.  His base color (legs and belly) is very black.  His name is Pepper.  (Remember I gave up naming privileges for the day?) 
Theresa was helping out, because she was in labor, too!  (Tricot was helping from her jug, but she always does that, even when she's not feeling so good.) 

Theresa shows them how it's done.

Theresa: one down, one to go
Theresa was laboring nearly the entire time Marble was, but was too interested in what Marble was doing to lay down and push.  Finally, she did lay down and push.  The water bag was out in a few pushes and the second lamb was out.  She thought she was done at that point, whether it was because she had only had singles up to this point or she thought Marble's lamb was hers.  Nevertheless, she quickly gave birth to lamb #2.
Theresa's first lamb is a ram lamb.  He's katmoget and is currently light gray with black legs and belly.  His name is Chipotle. He's a little bigger than his twin SISTER.
Forgive me for yelling, but Theresa's second lamb is a ewe!  She's darker gray, but otherwise looks a lot like Chipotle.  Her name is Cayenne. 

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