Tuesday, April 23, 2019

More surprises: Pawlonia

Early Friday morning, I could tell that Pawlonia would lamb sometime during the day.  It was a bit of a surprise because her belly nor her udders were that large, and she was over a week past her due date.

We did our morning routine in the barn quickly as to not bother her.  We hurried out to the garden to plant some seeds, because we were expecting rain in addition to lambs.  When we returned to the barn, Pawlonia had delivered two lambs--definitely not what I expected!

Pawlonia was busily licking a black lamb, and a brown lamb was a few feet away, baaing.  I delivered her to Pawlonia.  While I was doing this, I saw that Dr. Pepper was stuck in Beryl's hay feeder (he was safely removed) and Pina Colada was running around in the drop pen--not in the jug with her mother (she was safely replaced).  It was a crazy morning (and we needed to be at church by noon!). 

Both of Pawlonia's lambs are ewes.  I called the brown ewe Squirt as I was moving her, and the name has stuck.  She is already started to lighten and will look like her mom.  The black ewe is Pepsi.  She most likely will not lighten.

These are the last of Cormorant's lambs.  We're waiting on Molly.  She's Cormorant's mom, so we bred to her Hawk.  She is absolutely enormous--and very cranky about being in the drop pen!


  1. The black one sure looks Ag to me; in fact, most of your lambs do. I don't think I've had any with little head spots and white inside the ears NOT lighten. I have had a couple with NO white hairs eventually show themselves to be Ag, though.

  2. We have a few --but not many--adults who have stayed dark despite markings on their heads and ears.
