We have chicks!
The Buff Brahmas already have feathers on their legs. |
An Easter Egger. She might look like Ambrosia when she's grown-up. |
Sixteen wee little girls (hopefully on the girl part).
She's teeny now, but the average Brahma hen weighs 9.5 lbs. |
Four Buff Brahmas, two mystery "red pullets," and ten Easter Eggers.
Checking the temperature was so exhausting. |
To make a long (and horrific) story short, we ordered chicks from a hatchery. (Your imagination can fill in this part of the story.) We now have chicks from Tractor Supply instead. They are all very active and seem healthy.
A Brahma getting a drink. |
These girls are going to be the "worm patrol." They are going to hang out with the sheep (and the llama). Chickens don't get the same sort of parasites as sheep and llamas, so they can break the life cycle of the parasites. That means less wormer (which is really
dewormer) for everyone.
....and the tail end of this blog post. |
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