There's a little over a week until our first lambs are scheduled to arrive. The way things look in the pasture, it might be a little sooner. There are a lot of enormous bellies, milk-filled udders, and strange behaviors out there. I don't remember it happening last year, but the ewes are fighting each other--some more than others and not the usual suspects. The ewes often found fighting are all acting mellow.
This post was supposed to be about everyone, but most of the pictures I've taken recently are a little
too close up. But I have tons of pictures of Henrietta.
"Don't interrupt--a pregnant gal needs to eat!" |
She's been spending a lot of time snuggled with Macadamia. |
Henrietta is Barack's favorite sheep. |
We'll move from the tiniest ewe to the biggest one....Elsie! Compare these two pictures of Elsie, taken less than a week apart. She's enormous....and growing more enormous by the day.
Last week |
Last night |
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